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The links below are organized in chronological order and in standard reference style. Click on titles to download the .zip file.
1993. Barton-Physical and discrete element models. Istanbul, keynote |
1993. Grimstad and Barton-Updating the Q-system for NMT. Fagernes, Norway  |
1993. Barton, N. Tunnel sikring ved NMT basert på borkjernelogging. Bergmekanikkdag, Oslo |
1994. Barton and Grimstad-Rock mass conditions dictate choice between NMT and NATM. TTI, London |
1994. Barton and Grimstad-The Q-system following twenty years application in NMT support selection. Felsbau, Salzburg |
1994. Barton-A Q-system case record of cavern design in faulted rock. Tunnelling in Difficult Conditions. Torino |
1994. Barton-Updating the NATM. Letter to TTI  |
1994. Barton et al-Predicted and measured...performance of Gjovik cavern |
1994. Barton, N. and S.E. Hansen, Rock engineering investigations for Gjøvik. EUREKA, Gjøvik  |
1995. Barton-The influence of joint properties in modelling jointed rock masses. Tokyo  |
1995. Barton et al.-Radioactive repositories using Q and UDEC-BB  |
1995. Barton, N. and J. Itoh, J. Japanese tunnelling, series on NMT. V. 26, Nos. 10, 11, 12. 38p  |
1996. Barton - Characterization and seismic for design and execution of TBM projects. Taipei  |
1996. Barton - Estimating rock mass deformation modulus for excavation disturbed zone studies  |
1996. Barton and Warren - Rock mass classification of chalk marl in the UK Channel Tunnels  |
1996. Barton-Investigation, design and support of major road tunnels in jointed rock using NMT principles  |
1996. Chryssanthakis et al - Using NMT principles in predicting performance of a power house in the Himalayas |
1996. Bhasin et al - Comparison of predicted and measured performance of a large cavern in the Himalayas |
1996. Fong, C. and Nick Ryland Barton, Chinese trans. Investigations design, support, NMT |
1996. Quadros, E.F. e N. Barton, Influencia das propriedades. CBMR, Brazil |
1997. Bhasin and Barton-Comparison of Barton-Bandis with Mohr Coulomb. 1st ARMS, Seoul |
1997. Barton and Quadros - Joint aperture and roughness, flow and groutability. New York, IJRMMS |
1997. Chryssanthakis et al - Fiber reinforced shotcrete simulation using the discrete element method |
1997. Shen and Barton - The disturbed zone around tunnels in jointed rock masses. IJRMMS |
1998. Chryssanthakis et al - Excavating in weak rocks with the Norwegian Method of Tunnelling. Vancouver |
1998. Barton - Quantitative description of rock masses for the design of NMT reinforcement. Shimla, India |
1999. Barton - Rock mass characterization from seismic measurements. Santos, Brazil |
1999. Barton - TBM performance estimation in rock using QTBM. Tunnelling International |
1999. Barton-General report. 20th Century lessons and 21st century challenges in applied rock mechanics |
1999. Bhasin, Barton, Makurat, Davies, Hooper - Rock joint and rock mass characterization at Sellafield |
2000. Barton - Rock mass classification for choosing between TBM and drill-and-blast or a hybrid solution |
2000. Barton, Grimstad-El sistema Q en el metodo Noruega de excavacion de tuneles. Ingeo Tuneles, Madrid |
2001. Barton - Letter to the Editor. Rock mass characterization and classification. Felsbau |
2001. Monsen and Barton - A numerical study of cryogenic storage with emphasis on rock joint response |
2001. Olsson and Barton - An improved model for hydromechanical coupling during shearing of rock |
2001. Barton-Letter to Editor, Deformation modulus and rock mass characterization. TUST re Palmstrom |
2001. Barton-Letter to ISRM journal. Water and stress are fundamental to rock mass characterization and classification |
2002. Barton - Destructive criticism - constructive thoughts. JRMTT, India |
2002. Barton-Some new Q-value correlations to assist in site characterization and tunnel design. Int. J.R.M.Min. Sci |
2002. Barton-Some new Q-value. corrected Pr p.21. equ.15 |
2002. Bhasin, Johansen, Barton and Makurat-Rock joint sealing experiments using an ultra fine cement grout |
2003. Barton and Abrahao-Employing the Qtbm prognosis model. TTI Dec. 2003 |
2003. Barton-KFM 01 Q-logging (Forsmark). SKB, Stockholm |
2003. Barton-Letter to ISRM journal. Failure around tunnels and boreholes, and other problems. pp. 12-18 |
2003. Barton-Different scales of discontinuous behaviour in petroleum reservoirs. 3rdBrazilian Rock Mech. Conf., Sao Paulo |
2003. Barton, N. 2003. Q-logging of TASQ tunnel, for rock quality and model parameters. Åspø HRL, IPR-04-07 |